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Pipe Borescope Inspections

Applied Technical Services performs Pipe Borescope Inspections on several types of pipelines, including:

Our ATS Experts

Industries such as power generation and pharmaceuticals that depend on piping systems must undergo periodic inspections to get an accurate understanding of their equipment’s health. ATS uses industry-leading borescope equipment, such as the XLG3 VideoProbe inspection camera, to handle our clients’ inspection requests. We employ certified API-570 inspectors and licensed professional engineers to administer true condition assessments that allow our clients to plan future shutdowns and designate resources for necessary maintenance. Our professional team has the experience to help clients plan inspection schedules.

Routine Pipe Inspections

Pipe borescope inspections can identify common pipeline issues with welds, erosion, fatigue, corrosion, blockages, and cracking. Left unaddressed, these issues could lead to costly failures or leaks. Our routine inspections help keep pipelines and related components working safely and properly, minimizing expensive repairs. We aim to extend the life of our clients’ pipelines, thereby increasing their reliability, efficiency, and profitability. Our pipe borescope inspections offer several benefits, such as:

  • Confined space navigation
  • Data management
  • Decreased downtime
  • Enhanced images
  • Flexibility
  • Light output articulation
  • Portability
  • Real-time connectivity

Mechanical Integrity Evaluations

Our pipe borescope inspections are part of our intensive mechanical integrity programs. Our inspection experts can help to refine inspection programs to suit each client’s specific needs. Our examinations follow applicable codes and standards so clients can be certain their equipment meets any requirements.

Our High-Quality Services

Applied Technical Services specializes in pipe, tank, and pressure vessel inspections. We conduct safe, timely, high-quality pipe borescope inspections at a competitive price. Our portable, adjustable, light-enhanced borescope technology can systematically identify issues and deliver immediate results at the highest quality possible.

At ATS, our customer service team connects clients with engaged experts who can help with their specific inquiries. With decades of combined experience, these experts can determine the testing option that best suits each client’s needs. Experts remain available to clients at any time for additional questions regarding testing or data. We deliver reporting as quickly as possible, allowing clients to make timely, informed decisions regarding their assets. If you could benefit from pipe borescope inspections, contact Applied Technical Services today.

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