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Applied Technical Services (ATS) conducts ROV water tank inspections using submersible robots to allow the tank to remain in-service. Our submersible robots (a.k.a. submersible remote operated vehicles – ROV) can be lowered into the water tank from the roof manway and do not require confined space entry of inspection personnel. Water tank inspections utilizing submersible ROV’s are performed in accordance with the applicable codes and standards listed below.

  • API 653 – Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction
  • API 575 – Inspection of Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
  • AWWA D100 – Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage
  • AWWA D103 – Bolted Steel Tanks for Water Storage
  • NFPA 22 – Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection
  • NFPA 25 – Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

Trained and Certified Personnel

At ATS, we understand that our clients need more than a simple underwater inspection of their equipment. We offer a true Condition Assessment that allows the owner to schedule future shutdowns and inspections, and budget major repairs. As 3rd party tank consultants, ATS employs trained, certified, and licensed personnel to conduct all inspections and condition assessments. Our in-house trained experts include API certified inspectors and licensed Professional Engineers.

Maintaining Inspection Programs

Maintaining routine water storage tanks inspections lowers the possibility of containment loss and keeps people and the surrounding environment safe from major disasters. ATS helps identify damaged mechanisms and potential problems before they evolve into substantial hazards. Our ATS engineering team calculates repair plans to ensure that repair contractors receive a detailed scope of the necessary repairs before they begin any work. Our Clients aim to minimize downtime, so ATS maximizes the value of our inspections by conducting Practical Condition Assessments.

ATS Mechanical Integrity Programs

Mechanical Integrity Programs are important for monitoring fixed asset conditions and process safety management (PSM). The engineering team at ATS can assess and develop mechanical integrity programs for water tanks. Comprehensive mechanical integrity programs generally address the following:

  • Management and ownership of the program
  • Applicable inspection standards
  • Jurisdictional regulations
  • Inspection frequencies
  • Inspection methods

High-Quality Service

ATS prioritizes customer experience, basing our success off client satisfaction. Our customer service ambassadors connect clients with relevant experts who can provide solutions for their inquiries. Our experts report detailed, precise, and accurate results in a short time frame so that our clients can make informed and timely decisions. If you need ROV water tank inspections, contact ATS today.

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