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The Importance of Failure Analysis

Applied Technical Services performs FEA failure analysis to help clients determine the causes behind a critical failure in their assets. Structures and equipment can fail for any variety of reasons, some immediately evident and others less apparent. Without identifying the source of the failure, these assets cannot safely resume normal operation. Companies turn to failure analysis specialists like ATS to verify the facts behind these events and help them determine steps toward mitigating the underlying cause to prevent it from happening again. One of the methods we use to perform failure analysis is FEA.

FEA Applications

The finite element method (FEM) of solving partial differential equations can determine a pattern between several variables and how they affect a subject. Finite Element Analysis (FEA), a computer-aided application of FEM, allows our engineering division to simulate and assess a variety of stimuli acting upon a subject and how these inputs — whether relevant or incidental to the service environment — will affect its performance over time.

Take a more general look at our finite element analysis services here.

Supplementary Services

ATS’ in-house computed tomography (CT) capabilities complement our FEA-focused failure analysis services. Because this nondestructive method produces CAD models compatible with our leading FEA software, our engineers can work with the actual failed component in question instead of having to simulate the idealized geometry outlined in its design specifications. Furthermore, the X-ray facet of this imaging method allows us to assess sub-surface features as well.

Other Applications

While most regularly associated with analyzing mechanical stresses from sources like repeated static or dynamic loading relevant to the intended service environment, we often use FEA for thermal, vibrational, fluid, and electromagnetic analyses to determine how these stimuli affect a given subject as well. Beyond its failure analysis uses, FEA serves as an important early step in the design validation process; the method allows product engineers to adjust the subject’s specifications for performance, cost, weight, or other considerations before any physical specimen has ever been produced.

About ATS

Applied Technical Services offers a comprehensive suite of consulting engineering, testing, and inspections capabilities. We have grown immensely over our 50+ years in business. Since our founding in 1967, we have developed from a trio of engineers serving local businesses from our founder’s basement into a multidisciplinary firm employing over 1,000 specialists in the fields of testing, inspection, calibrations, training, and forensic investigation to meet the varied needs of companies around the world.

Our FEA failure analysis expertise serves clients from a wide range of industries, including:

  • Construction
  • Nuclear
  • Chemical
  • Commercial Properties
  • Oil / Gas
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Communications
  • Power Generation
  • Insurance / Legal
  • Aerospace / Aviation
  • Defense / Military
  • Pulp & Paper

Delivering Quality

ATS’ reliability engineering group performs all FEA failure analysis services under our stringent quality management system, which is registered to ISO 9001:2015. We maintain this status by periodically submitting our business processes to rigorous inspection by ISO-approved auditors. Since first achieving it in 1998, these experts have consistently found that our procedures comply with the internationally recognized standard outlining effective quality assurance principles. ATS undertakes this commitment because doing so helps us both to continually improve the quality of our services and to hold ourselves publicly accountable to our clientele for the services we provide.

We uphold several policies to ensure clients enjoy the most positive customer experience we can deliver. Our engineers return comprehensive results — accurate, clear, and detailed in their reporting — within a quick turnaround time. When clients contact us with questions, whether about the status of their testing or the results, our customer service representatives connect them with the most relevant staff member. Consulting engineers stay accessible to client outreach, responsive to their needs, and engaged while helping them find solutions for their problems.

Contact Us

If your company needs failure analysis performed on a component, contact ATS today for more information on how we can help through our FEA capabilities. Call +1 (888) 287-5227. We take a closer look!

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