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Applied Technical Services offers magnetic flux leak (MFL) inspections in compliance with all relevant codes and standards. This testing method is commonly used in pipeline and storage tank inspections in the oil and gas industry.

What is MFL?

MFL, or magnetic flux leak, is an inspection method that utilizes electromagnetism to locate flaws and material degradation within steel structures and components. The magnets create a magnetic field that shows distortions if flaws such as corrosion, wall loss, and pitting are present. Flaws such as corrosion in tank floors can lead to loss of product and environmental damage. We strive to provide maximum inspection value to our clients by minimizing unscheduled downtime through our condition assessments.

Our Trained and Certified Inspectors

From pipelines to above ground storage tanks, our inspectors use decades of experience to provide a wide range of inspection and testing capabilities. Our expertise allows us to provide our clients with the ability to plan for future downtime and inspections as well as budget for major repairs. At ATS, we provide more than a basic inspection; we offer condition assessments that provide clients with a full understanding of their equipment’s status.

ATS Mechanical Integrity Programs

Applied Technical Services’ mechanical integrity team specializes in developing programs for the prevention of accidental leakage and potential tank failures. We use Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (REGAGEP) in our programs to our client’s benefit. Our mechanical integrity programs can cover:

  • Jurisdictional regulations
  • Applicable inspection codes/standards
  • Program management/ownership
  • Inspection frequencies
  • Inspection methods

ATS Assurance

At Applied Technical Services, we pride ourselves on creating the best customer experience possible. We have been consistently finding new ways to better serve our clients. We maintain a superb reputation among testing and inspection companies on a national and international scale thanks to our devotion to client satisfaction. Our quality assurance programs ensure rapid response times and detailed reporting. The customer service team at ATS will always put you in contact with the most relevant expert for any inquiries. Contact us today to see how you can receive a free quote regarding magnetic flux leak (MFL) inspections.

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