Professional NDT Courses
Per the NAS 410 and the SNT-TC-1A, if you are interested in becoming a Professional NDT Technician, you will need to complete certain NDT certification courses that will assist you in meeting your goals. ATS offers a wide variety of those courses at various locations on a weekly basis.
NDT Certification Course Locations
- Atlanta, GA (specifically, our Marietta office)
- Greenville, SC
- Jacksonville, FL
Training courses are also available for presentation at your facility, which can provide cost saving benefits and be formatted to your specific needs.
NDT Instructors
Our certified instructors have many years of experience in a variety of industries including aviation, commercial infrastructure, manufacturing, and military.
NDT Classes
ATSโ goal is to train competent professionals that are efficient in their chosen method. ATS designs our classes to be interactive and engaging. Class agendas include: principles and theories on the applicable Non-Destructive Testing method, hands on training with appropriate equipment, and a written class completion exam.
Our NDT Classes Include
- Aircraft Wheel Inspection
- Inspection
- Eddy Current (ET) Level I & II
- Film Interpretation
- Infrared Level I
- Introduction to NDT
- IRRSP Refresher
- Level III Refresher
- Visual Testing (VT) Level I & II
- Liquid Penetrant (PT) Level I & II
- Magnetic Particle (MT) Level I & II
- Radiation Safety
- Radiography (RT) Level I & II
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Level I & II
- Ultrasonic Thickness (UTT) Testing
ATS Trains In Accordance With The Following Standards
- NAS 410
- CP-189
- ATA Spec 105
Additional Services
- Level III Consulting
- ASNT Testing and Exams
- ASNT ACCP Practical Testing
- NDT Audits
- Nadcap Audit Support
- Procedure Development
- Third-Party Evaluations
If you need a reliable provider for NDT certification courses, consact ATS today.