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Eddy Current (ET)

Aircraft Wheel Inspection – 24 Hours

This course covers basic Eddy Current theory and techniques for aircraft wheel inspection. This course is designed for aircraft maintenance personnel performing wheel maintenance to FAA requirements.

Level I – 40 hours

Level I is a basic course in Eddy Current theory, test instrumentation, coils, and basic impedance plane principles. Applications studied include conductivity, lift-off, thickness, and flaw detection applications.

Level II – 40 Hours

Level II is an advanced program stressing Eddy Current test setup and display interpretation based on impedance plane analysis. This course covers many applications using surface probes, ID probes, and encircling coils.


Level I – 32 Hours

This course is geared to the new infrared camera user and will include theory and hands on lab work. Students are welcome to bring their own camera or one will be provided. This course is geared to the new infrared camera user and will include theory and hands on lab work. Students are welcome to bring their own camera or one will be provided. This 32 hour course will include a variety of condition monitoring / predictive maintenance and aerospace applications.

Level II – 36 Hours

A 36 hour course concentrating on different measurements, applications and documentation requirements. Lab intensive course for practicing and developing knowledge in using your infrared camera.

Liquid Penetrant (PT)

16 Hours for SNT-TC-1A, 32 Hours for NAS 410 class

An intensive study of the theory, processes, and techniques applicable to both visible and fluorescent penetrant; and includes both classroom and laboratory sessions.

Magnetic Particle (MT)

Levels I and II are complete courses that cover both theory and practical application of magnetic particle testing methods and equipment.

Radiography (RT)

Level I – 40 Hours

Level I is a comprehensive course in the principles and theory of radiography, which includes radiation safety, operation of radiographic equipment, as well as film and film processing.

Level II – 40 Hours

Level II is an advanced course in radiographic techniques, radiation safety requirements, and film interpretation principles. Technique development and operation in accordance with codes and standards is stressed.

Film Interpretation – 40 Hours

A specialized course designed to develop skills in evaluating radiographs.

Radiation Safety – 40 Hours

Radiation safety is an intensive course covering safety requirements for a radiographer certification.

Ultrasonic (UT)

Thickness – 24 Hours

Thickness is a three-day course covering the thickness gauging of pipe and vessel walls using ultrasonic instruments with digital and waveform displays.

Level I – 40 Hours

Level I is an intensive course covering the fundamentals of Ultrasonics. Practical laboratory exercises include thickness gauging, and a variety of flaw detection, mapping, and evaluation techniques. This course is designed for technicians with little to no ultrasonic testing experience.

Level II – 40 Hours

Level II is an advanced laboratory-intensive course for developing practical skills. This course is applications oriented, and includes weld inspection, bond inspection, and immersion techniques. Angle beam testing and defect evaluation are also covered in detail. This course is designed for technicians that have completed Level I training and have some experience with UT.

Visual Testing (VT)

Level I and II – 24 Hours

This comprehensive course covers all the theoretical aspects of visual testing. It reviews the processes of improving visual inspection reliability and the use of visual aids.

General NDT

Introduction to NDT – 40 Hours

A general one-week course surveying all phases of Non-destructive Testing for engineers, auditors, managers and, nondestructive test personnel who require a basic understanding of NDT methods.

Level III Refresher – 24 Hours

Level III refresher courses are designed to prepare a Level III for examination or re-examination in a particular NDT method.

Learn More

Click here for more information on our upcoming NDT courses and schedules.

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