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Question #1: What are the different levels of NDT qualifications?

There are 6 different levels of qualifications per SNT-TC-1A and NAS 410.

Trainee – Trainees are individuals participating in an NDT training program. Trainees must obtain work experience under the direct supervision of a Level II, Level III or Instructor in the same method. Trainees cannot independently do testing.

Level I Limited – An individual who needs only to perform one specific NDT test on a specified part, feature or assembly should seek out Level I Limited certification. The cognizant engineering organization provides written practice and then considers case by case justification for using a Level I Limited to complete a task. Training hours, test questions and on the job experience can be adjusted to fit this one particular task. However this Level I limited can not perform the NDT test on any other item, other than what he/she was specifically trained to do.

Level I – First certifiable qualification level. Level I certifications can only be given for specific NDT technique or method. Level I technicians should have the skills and knowledge to perform specific tests, specific calibrations with written approval of the appropriate Level III individual. This individual shall be able to follow procedures in the techniques for which certified while receiving guidance from a Level II or Level III.

Level II – Level II technicians are required to have the skill sets to set up and calibrate equipment, conduct test, and interpret, evaluate and document results in accordance to procedures approved by appropriate Level III. This person is familiar with the scope and limitations of the method in which he/she is certified. A Level II is capable of directing the work of trainees and Level I personnel. This person should be familiar with codes and standards and must be able to document NDT results.

Instructor – Instructors shall have the skills and knowledge to plan, organize and present classroom, laboratory, or on-the-job training. Course outlines have to be approved by a Level III. The instructor must be familiar with codes, standards and contractual documents that control the method.

Level III – Level III’s shall have the skills to interpret codes, standards and other contractual documents that control the method. They are capable of selecting the methods used to complete an inspection in the technique they are certified. The Level III should have general knowledge of all the NDT methods. This person must be capable of directing the training and examination of personnel in methods certified. This person may not conduct NDT acceptance on a part unless he/she has proven himself/herself proficient in a practical examination.

Question#2: What is the Minimum Training Hours for each Method and Level?

According to SNT-TC-1A, training hours for Level I and II refer to the time that is spent covering basic principles, products, equipment, operating procedures and techniques. The training hours include a final exam that the individual must complete and pass before he or she gets credit for their training time.

Eddy Current

Level I40
Level II40With prior level I certification
Level II80With no prior level I certification

Liquid Penetrant

Level I4
Level II8With prior level I certification
Level II12With no prior level I certification

Magnetic Particle

Level I12
Level II8With prior level I certification
Level II20With no prior level I certification


Level I40
Level II40With prior level I certification
Level II80With no prior level I certification


Level I40
Level II40With prior level I certification
Level II80With no prior level I certification

Question #3: After I complete my training hours am I certified in an NDT method?

To become certified in an NDT method you must complete training hours, on the job training (minimum experience requirements), and pass physical, general, specific and practical exams.

Question #4: How many on the job training hours (minimum experience Requirements) do I need to become certified? *Per NAS410

Eddy Current

Level I400
Level II1200With prior level I certification
Level II1600With no prior level I certification

Liquid Penetrant

Level I130
Level II270With prior level I certification
Level II400With no prior level I certification

Magnetic Particle

Level I130
Level II400With prior level I certification
Level II530With no prior level I certification


Level I400
Level II1200With prior level I certification
Level II1600With no prior level I certification


Level I400
Level II1200With prior level I certification
Level II1600With no prior level I certification

Question #5: What is an NDT practical exam?

The practical exam is where the student demonstrates their proficiency in performing tasks that are typical of those to be accomplished in the performance of the candidate’s duties.

Question #6: What is an NDT general exam?

The general exam for all levels is a closed book examination covering the cross section of the applicable method at the appropriate level.

Question #7: What is an NDT specific exam?

The specific exam for all levels is an open book examination covering requirements and use of the specifications, codes, equipment, operating procedures and test techniques that the student will use on the job.

Question #8: What is the NDT physical exam?

This is an eye exam that ensures the candidate has near vision and color perception. Requirements include 20/25 (Snellen) at 16″(42 cm) +/- 1″(2.54 cm) or equivalent in at least one eye, natural or corrected. NDT personnel should be capable of adequately distinguishing and differentiating colors used in the process.

Question #9: What do we need to bring to the NDT Classes?

Note pad/pen Calculator ET and UT students may bring personal equipment to train on. This allows students to become familiar with their own equipment. This is not required.

Question #10: What do we wear to class?

Casual Dress – Jeans and T-shirt. Due to the dangerous nature of the lab, no open-toed shoes, sandals, tank-tops, or shorts can be worn.

Question #11: What time do classes begin and end?

Classes begin at 8 AM and end at 5 PM. There is an hour lunch break from 12-1 PM. If there is a change in times, ATS will contact you in advance about any changes.

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