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Applied Technical Services (ATS) is a world-class engineering company providing borescope inspections of pipelines, tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and aircraft engines. ATS’ inspection services group uses state-of-the-art equipment to deliver results of the highest quality available in the industry today.

Our borescope inspection technology can determine problems with welds, detect corrosion issues, identify blockages, examine for presence of cracks, as well as other discontinuities. Our proficient ATS technicians deliver accurate results, providing our clients thorough findings to problems that otherwise could lead to serious or potentially hazardous outcomes. In addition, our inspection solutions facilitate minimizing down time and potential financial losses for your company.

XLG3 VideoProbe Capabilities

  • Welds
  • Corrosion
  • Erosion
  • Fatigue
  • Cracking
  • Blockages

ATS has extensive experience as a provider of quality borescope inspection services. Using the industry-leading XLG3 VideoProbe borescope inspection camera, we are capable of immediately and systematically identifying any problems for our clients. It provides a superior ability for condition assessment, delivering results through real-time transfer, while recording high resolution video and images for reporting purposes.

Using this optimized menu-driven inspection equipment, and its abundant level of light-enhanced image clarity, clear surface scan, and rotate and zoom capabilities, allows us to work rapidly in assessing, viewing and then measuring the size, shape, and depth of any irregularities. It is adjustable, rugged and completely portable, allowing our operators a remarkable level of freedom of movement during inspections in many difficult environments or locations.

Choosing ATS For Your Remote Visual Inspection Needs

AT ATS we understand the critical requirements of our clients’ regarding work loads, time and budgets. This motivates our team to deliver the highest quality borescope inspection services that are conducted in a safe and timely manner, and at a competitive price.


  • Enhanced images
  • Decreased downtime
  • Flexibility
  • Portability
  • Real-time connectivity
  • Data management
  • Light output articulation
  • Confined space navigation

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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