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Applied Technical Services (ATS) performs UAV inspections to help clients understand the condition of their industrial assets.

Industrial facilities are heavily equipped with complex machinery of various types to assist in production. It is important for these manufacturers to have their machinery functioning optimally at all times to avoid productivity loss, high expenses due to repairs, and injury to personnel. To ensure that these risks are avoided, regular mechanical and structural integrity inspections are recommended to make certain that equipment is mechanically and structurally sound.

Drone (UAV) Inspections

ATS offers the latest technology and methods to accommodate your inspection needs. The inspection services offered include condition assessments of buildings, infrastructure, and equipment; all of which may be made possible or supplemented with UAV Inspections, or unmanned aerial vehicle inspections.

UAV Inspections can enhance inspections by accessing areas that would normally be difficult or cost prohibitive to inspect due to location or height issues. UAV’s maneuverability allows for easy examination and diagnosis.

ATS is a leader among most UAV Inspection companies and provides professional engineers and inspectors including API-certified. All drone inspection services provided by our technicians will come with customer tailored data reports and may offer solutions to all the problems that they may discover.

All our drones are acceptable for use outdoors, with GPS capability, and indoors, in non-GPS environments. Full confined space entries may be performed by our drones, potentially without the entry of the operator. 

External UAV Inspections

For jobs that are outdoors and GPS-enabled, ATS makes use of several different drone platforms. These platforms employ Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to help prevent loss of flight capability in environments with high electrical activity or magnetic interference. RTK may provide accurate global positioning down to the centimeter. Our drones may be equipped with high definition extreme zoom cameras and even thermal imaging cameras. These high zoom capable cameras allow our drones to operate at a distance to prevent collision opportunities.

Internal UAV Inspections

Jobs that are internal will undergo a similar process like that of the external UAV inspections by assessing circumstances and inspection scope to determine which unit will be best suited for the job. Internal UAV Inspections tend to be more challenging, but ATS can navigate these inspections seamlessly by using two different methods: LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and collision-tolerant systems.

Commercial UAV regulations

The Federal Aviation Administration has set regulations to ensure airways are safe and orderly. ATS adheres to the FAA regulations when conducting UAV Inspections. Specifically, some of the regulations we closely adhere to are:

  • UAV’s are registered under the FAA part 107
  • When conducting inspection, technicians are FAA licensed to pilot the respective UAV platform
  • UAV’s are to be flown at less than the maximum speed of 100 mph
  • All UAV’s are to weigh less than the regulatory 55 lbs. upon take off
  • No UAV is to be operated from a moving vehicle
  • UAV is never to be flown directly over anyone’s head.

Applied Technical Services’ UAV Inspection Services

Over the last 50 years, ATS has proudly provided engineering consulting, inspection, and testing services to clients globally. Out capabilities have since grown exponentially and continue to do so. Industries that benefit from the inspection services that we offer include:

ATS is among the few UAV inspection companies that offer UAV inspections from a team of licensed engineers. Our engineers and techs pilot the UAV and shoot images and video. From the footage collected, a report is composed, and solutions may be offered.

ATS’ Quality Assurance

ATS’ strives to provide excellent service to our clients consistently. Our expert technicians will provide fast, accurate, clear, and detailed results. Our technicians are always accessible and will promptly respond to any questions or concerns that may arise regarding your inspection service.

If you need UAV Inspections, please don’t hesitate to contact Applied Technical Services today — We take a closer look!

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