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Applied Technical Services offers metallurgic testing services such as XRD testing. XRD testing is also known as x-ray diffraction, XRD analysis, or surface XRD analysis. At ATS, we apply this method to failure analysis and reverse engineering applications, to name a couple. The ATS metallurgy lab conducts all XRD testing per ASTM D934.

X-Ray Diffraction Testing

X-ray diffraction is an NDT (non-destructive testing) method that observes and evaluates the properties of crystalline materials such as inorganic compounds and minerals. XRD is the process of exposing a sample material to x-ray beams, which scatter through the sample’s atoms, causing a unique diffraction pattern. Our experts compare this diffraction pattern to the ICDD’s (International Centre for Diffraction Data) diffraction pattern database to determine the exact compounds found within the sample.

XRD testing allows clients to discover their material’s qualities and limitations. A material’s crystal structure directly correlates to its functionality and properties. XRD can help determine properties such as epitaxy, grain size, lattice parameters, strain, preferred orientation, and phase composition. XRD testing can be helpful in metallurgic phase verification, research and development, corrosion analysis, material production, and reverse engineering for coatings. Further applications for XRD testing can include:

  • Polymer Filler Material Identification
  • Platings and Coatings
  • Particle Composition
  • Alloy Identification
  • Corrosion Products
  • Wear Metals
  • Elemental Mapping
  • Contaminants and Inclusions

ATS Metallurgy Capabilities

In addition to XRD testing, the ATS metallurgy laboratory provides material identification, litigation support, failure analysis, and reverse engineering, among others. Our team of metallurgy professionals regularly conducts testing on materials like ceramics, composites, and metals. Additional metallurgy services include:

ATS Quality Assurance

Since our founding in 1967, quality has been a core value that drives all our employees. Client satisfaction is our utmost priority thanks to our corporate management system accredited to ISO 9001:2015. We offer our clients reliable and accurate reporting on their testing with rapid return times. Our customer service representatives will connect you with a qualified professional to help satisfy your inquiries. The experts at Applied Technical Services always remain available to answer questions during the testing process. Contact ATS today to request a free quote regarding your XRD testing needs.

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