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Leave fuel tanks to the experts – Applied Technical Services offers special detailed Boeing 737-NG wing tank inspection services. Our extensive NDT process verifies whether aircraft are in conformance with Flight Length Sensitive (FLS) requirements from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Why Wing Fuel Tanks?

In addition to the fuel tank in the fuselage, commercial aircraft like the 737-NG also have fuel tanks housed within their wings. The sealants inside these wing tanks can start to lose their flexibility and effectiveness as a result of aging or degradation from the extreme stresses exerted on the aircraft during flight. Once the sealant disbonds or cracks, the tank may develop a leak. Defective fasteners, rivets, or other parts can be the source of a leak as well. To determine if this is the case, ATS will safely and completely inspect the internal fuel tank for any defects. Fuel leaks can be a serious hazard and can worsen over time if left unchecked; a wing tank inspection can mitigate this issue. As a special detailed inspection (SDI), the wing tank inspection process goes beyond just a quick glance at the tank. Before we inspect the tanks, we de-fuel them and allow them to dry. Our technicians then remove the sealant through our efficient removal process. Once we have full access to all hidden areas of the tank, we can thoroughly check the fasteners, rivets, and other components for any signs of leakage.

Superior Aircraft NDT Services

Applied Technical Services has years of valuable experience in the aircraft nondestructive testing industry. Whether you need a quick inspection or are involved in a long-term project, you can be sure that quality, efficiency, and value are at the core of every service we offer. Additionally, as required by the Aerospace industry, our NDT technicians are certified to NAS 410 standards.

Invest in the safety, performance, and reliability of your aircraft with ATS’ Aircraft NDT services. Contact us today to learn more about our Boeing 737-NG wing tank inspection capabilities. ATS – We take a closer look!

Why Our Clients Choose ATS

  • Excellent Service Quality
  • Short Turnaround Windows
  • Helpful Customer Support Representatives
  • Proven NDT Experience
  • Multiple Industries Served
  • Assists Clients Both Nationally and Internationally
  • ISO Certified Quality Program
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