The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies performs aerospace NDI services, exceeding client expectations by providing comprehensive solutions in compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Nondestructive Inspection in the Aerospace Industry
The aerospace industry uses nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods to analyze the structural integrity and safety of critical components without damaging or impacting the sample. NDI plays a crucial role in detecting flaws or inaccuracies that may result in costly repairs, personnel injury, unplanned downtime, revenue loss, and other adverse outcomes.
Aerospace NDI Services at ATS
ATSโ certified NDI technicians routinely inspect air inlets, combustion chambers, fan blades, fasteners, fittings, fuselages, landing gears, rivets, and turbine engines. We employ surface and subsurface techniques to locate corrosion, cracks, delaminations, disbonds, gouges, impacts, pitting, porosity, tears, wear, and other defects.
We provide a broad scope of aerospace NDI services, such as:
- Eddy Current Testing (ET)
- Capable of fulfilling all surface and some subsurface requirements
- Coating measurements
- Conductivity Testing
- Liquid Penetrant (PT)
- Stationary and mobile penetrant inspections
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Detects both surface and subsurface discontinuities
- Superior depth of penetration or measurement for flaw detection
- Only single-sided access is required
- Radiography Testing (RT)
- Inspection capabilities for assembled components
- Minimum surface preparation required
- Detects both surface and subsurface flaws
- Provides permanent inspection records
- Magnetic Particle (MT)
- Detects surface and subsurface flaws
- Inspects large surface areas of complex or irregular ferromagnetic parts rapidly
- Directly detects flaw indication on the surface location
Quality Assurance
ATS provides various aerospace NDI services to afford our clients the advantage of data management and analysis, production information, and quality control. Our highly trained technicians perform inspections in accordance with SNT-TC-1A, NAS410, and CP189. We are FAA Repair Station certified in many locations and a member of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT).
NADCAP Accreditation
After meeting the requirements of an audit by the Performance Review Institute (PRI), Applied Technical Services received a NADCAP accreditation to perform NDI services for the aerospace industry. We hold various NADCAP certifications, including:
- Nondestructive Testing Facility Pentrant
- Nondestructive Testing Facility Magnetic Particle
About ATS
Established in 1967, Applied Technical Services has become one of the leading NDI companies in North America. Our certified team of NDI technicians provides high-quality nondestructive inspections for various industries across the US and abroad.
Contact Us
Contact the ATS Family of Companies to schedule aerospace NDI services by calling us at +1 (888) 287-5227 or submitting a webform on this page.