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Electric vehicle (EV) battery vibration testing from ATS enables automotive companies to anticipate a product’s reactions to mechanical abuse. Vibration testing subjects a specimen to targeted vibrations on a specified frequency to elicit a measurable response. Even when the vehicle is off, auto components naturally resonate at a specific frequency. Starting the engine introduces an additional layer of vibration. Throughout operation, EV components experience various vibrations based on:

  • Driving speed
  • Road surface
  • Cooling system
  • Electric motor
  • Auxiliary systems

Over time, the compounded effects of vibrations can lead to fatigue or failure, which is especially dangerous in flammable lithium-ion batteries.

Vibration Testing with ATS

Our environmental lab can simulate the conditions an EV battery may experience during typical operation and extreme scenarios. We use shaker tables to generate vibrations with forces as high as 12,000 pounds and frequencies between 5 Hz – 2,000 Hz. To combine vibration and temperature control, we can place the specimen inside an AGREE environmental chamber during the test.Our testing equipment produces a variety of vibration types:

Sinusoidal Vibration Testing

Sinusoidal vibration testing subjects the EV battery to a single vibration frequency at a time. We can use this method to determine the resonant frequency of a battery or another vehicular component. Sinusoidal vibrations can also reveal how the battery experiences flaws and fatigue over time. Clients use sinusoidal vibration testing to assess the battery’s risk for failure from independent frequencies.

Random Vibration Testing

Random vibration testing hits the battery with several different frequencies at once. The random vibrations replicate the “background noise” of typical operation. Clients can use random vibration testing to see how their EV battery reacts during transit.

Composite Vibration Testing

We can also test using combinations of vibrations and environmental conditions, such as sine-on-random. Sine-on-random combines random and sinusoidal testing so the battery experiences the “background noise” of random vibrations with additional stronger sinusoidal waves. This method subjects the battery to expected and unpredictable vibrations, allowing our experts to study the battery’s reaction to regular operation and road incidents, such as driving over a pothole.

Standards and Other Services

We are certified to perform vibration tests according to a variety of standards, including:

ATS has developed competencies across multiple service areas. For instance, battery shapes and dimensions differ with every design. If your battery does not fit an existing fixture, our machine shop can fabricate the fixtures needed to secure your battery to the shaker table in-house!

ATS: Your Automotive Testing Solution

As a consulting engineering, calibration, inspection, and testing company, ATS empowers our clients to make informed business decisions based on comprehensive testing and analysis from our qualified experts. We support a wide range of industries, such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and chemical. When working with the automotive industry, we collaborate with clients to design and conduct automotive tests which follow internal and industry standards to help meet federal and international requirements.

ATS operates labs with third-party recognitions in multiple states:

  • ISO/IEC 17025 – Calibrations and Mechanical, Chemistry, Electrical, and Nondestructive Testing
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System

To learn more about our certifications, click here.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete the form on this page to request battery vibration testing for your electric vehicle battery.

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