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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies conducts high and low-temperature thermal testing services that assess the performance of EV batteries. In recent years, automakers have made a concerted effort to shift their focus from fuel vehicles to electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Our EV battery testing labs assist manufacturers in evaluating their batteries’ performance in high and low temperatures, ensuring consumers receive safe and reliable EVs.

Low and High Temperature Testing

Low Temperature Testing

We conduct low-temperature tests that subject EV batteries to a range of temperatures associated with various environmental conditions.

High Temperature Testing

We evaluate how EV batteries respond to elevated temperatures. Our technicians observe how heat affects the chemical reactions within the battery.

Why is it Important to Test EV Batteries at High and Low Temperatures?

Temperature has an immense impact on the efficiency of a battery, so EV battery manufacturers subject their devices to adverse temperatures to determine if the battery is safe, reliable, and suitable for the desired application. EV batteries emit a significant amount of heat during their operation, so high temperatures can create chemical issues within the battery that compromise its charging capacity and overall health. Low temperatures restrict the mobility of ions within an EV battery, minimizing the battery’s effectiveness, comprising its reliability and range in cold conditions.

More About Our EV Battery Testing Capabilities

Our electric battery testing labs offer high-quality chemical, electrical, mechanical, and environmental testing services that analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our clients’ EV battery packs. We recognize the growing demand for third-party EV battery testing services, so our experienced battery testing personnel provide professional and prompt services that help our clients meet their deadlines. We offer several EV battery testing services, including:

  • Compression Testing
  • Tensile Testing
  • Current Testing
  • Voltage Testing
  • Impact Testing
  • Vibration Testing

Our Commitment to Quality

Founded in 1967, ATS began as a small company specializing in engineering before we set our sights on larger-scale operations. Today, we’ve maintained our small business charm while significantly expanding our services to benefit new industries and markets. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered entity, we adhere to international quality standards to ensure our clients receive satisfactory service from each department. Please submit a web request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information about our high and low temperature thermal testing services.

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