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ATS supports companies adopting renewable energy measures with IEC 61427 secondary cells and batteries for photovoltaic energy systems testing.

Photovoltaic Energy Systems

Photovoltaic energy systems (PVES), commonly called solar panels, draw power from sunlight. The battery’s cells absorb and convert photons from sunlight into low-level electricity. A chain of cells forms a module or panel. An array is a group of modules that supply large amounts of power to outdoor and indoor applications such as:

  • Indoor lighting
  • Agriculture
  • Power grids
  • Spacecraft
  • Telecommunications

Over the past decades, the industry has made leaps and bounds in designing more efficient batteries with various materials, such as lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, and lithium-ion. As solar power becomes a more widespread alternative energy source, savvy customers require more information about PVES secondary cells and batteries, such as the battery’s lifespan.

IEC 61427

The IEC 61427 standard helps manufacturers accurately estimate the battery life. End-users need this information to develop maintenance and replacement schedules with minimal downtime. The standard’s test methods account for the impact of intermittent sunlight, high temperature, seasonal changes, and various states of charge (SOC) on battery life.

The ATS FoC provides third-party testing from our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited independent labs. Our experts work with a wide range of battery types and designs to help clients evaluate and verify their battery safety, performance, and longevity. We can test according to industry standards to help clients ensure their products meet regulatory requirements and industry guidelines.

When testing per IEC 61427, our experts help clients maximize battery design with:

  • Accurate battery life calculations
  • Battery performance and endurance testing

Part 1 – Off-Grid PV Testing

The IEC standard has two parts: one for on-grid systems and one for off-grid systems. IEC 61427-1 standardizes electrical tests of off-grid photovoltaic energy systems to help ensure a long battery life for continued availability. These tests include:

  • Capacity test
  • Generic cycling endurance test
  • Charge retention test
  • Cycling endurance test in extreme conditions

Part 2 – On-Grid PV Testing

IEC 61427-2 covers tests to determine battery endurance, properties, and performance in on-grid applications. An on-grid application involves a connected system of batteries powering an electricity grid with shared power conversion devices to convert power from DC to AC electricity. These systems can stabilize grid performance when the renewable energy introduced to the grid fluctuates.

ATS FoC experts can perform battery endurance tests on PVES applications such as:

  • Frequency regulation
  • Load following
  • Peak-shaving
  • Photovoltaic energy storage and time shift

We also provide battery performance testing to help determine the following:

  • PV system properties
  • Energy content at +25 °C ambient temperature
  • Energy efficiency during endurance tests at +25 °C ambient temperature
  • Energy efficiency during endurance tests at minimum and maximum ambient temperatures
  • Energy requirements during idle periods at +25 °C ambient temperature
  • Waste heat generated during endurance tests at maximum ambient temperature

About Us

The ATS Family of Companies (FoC) provides consulting engineering, calibration, inspection, and testing services to clients nationwide. We operate multiple ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs qualified to perform IEC/ISO 17025:2017 testing procedures in calibrations and chemical, electrical, materials, and nondestructive testing. Our ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System connects our expanding network of companies, so we provide clients with high-quality customer service as we test to the latest standards.

Click here to learn more about our quality standards and certifications!

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 for more information, or complete the form on this page to schedule a test. As the solar energy industry evolves, ATS FoC will continue helping drive the design of optimal batteries for safe and reliable operation.

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