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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies performs tests according to IEC 60896-21 Stationary Lead-Acid Batteries – Part 21: Valve Regulated Types. Part 21 of the standard covers stationary valve-regulated lead-acid and monobloc batteries under constant charge (floating). The batteries may be in a static location, such as installed in stationary equipment, or part of battery rooms for the following:

Valve Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries undergo a chemical reaction when charging and discharging. During electrolysis, the reaction generates gases such as hydrogen, which can cause an explosion without intervention. Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries include safety valves that release toxic gases, returning the internal pressure to a safe level. Two types of VRLA batteries are:

  • Gel cell (Gel batteries)
  • Absorbent glass mat (AGM batteries)

IEC 60896 Testing

Experts from the ATS FoC test batteries according to IEC 60896-21 in our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited lab. Drawing on decades of experience with industry standards and validation, we can help clear the way for clients to develop better, more efficient products that comply with regulations and industry standards.

IEC 60896 is an internationally recognized standard for characterizing stationary lead-acid batteries with safety, performance, and durability tests. Part 21 covers test methods for VRLA batteries to ensure battery capacity and safety during operation and storage. We perform all tests in Part 21 except for the flammability rating of materials. Our most popular IEC 60896-21 tests are:

  • Accelerated float life testing
  • Ground short propensity testing

When testing potentially dangerous batteries, our experts can work in a hardy lab with protections against safety hazards such as fire, explosion, and toxic gases. The equipment in our battery testing lab can simulate the following:

  • Temperatures as low as -60 and high as 120 ˚C
  • Voltage range of 0 to 750 V
  • Currents of +/- 1000 ampere (A)

Accelerated Float Life Test

ATS FoC experts can analyze a battery to determine operating behavior under abusive temperatures. In an accelerated float life test, the batteries are floated (continuously charged) at a constant voltage over an accelerated testing period.

We can perform comparative capacity tests before and after each cycle in a temperature-controlled chamber. We measure the current, voltage, and temperature throughout the charging and discharging cycles. To determine weight loss and capacity fade, we can compare data taken at critical points across the test:

  • Battery capacity
  • OCV
  • Weight
  • Impedance

Given the potential for hydrogen generation during the test, we can perform the accelerated float life test in a safe testing lab with Teflon tubing to carry the hazardous gases outside the building.

Ground Short Propensity Test

A ground short propensity test can help ensure the battery unit meets a specified level of resistance to uncontrolled flow through seals, joints, and other locations of discontinuity. Ground shorting may cause leaks and safety hazards.

Our experts can test each face of a single cell or monobloc battery over roughly 30 days or until detecting electrolyte leakage or significant ground shorting. Before connecting the battery to the current, we can perform a capacity test to measure the battery’s actual capacity before and after a float charge cycle.

Throughout the test, we take precise measurements of the following:

  • Daily float charge voltage
  • Daily float current
  • Weight
  • OCV
  • Leakage

About the ATS FoC

The ATS Family of Companies conducts tests, inspections, calibrations, and consulting engineering services for clients. Operating multiple ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs nationwide, ATS supports various industries and infrastructures, from automotive to power generation to manufacturing. Our experts use powerful and innovative technology to deliver excellent service and keen analysis.

Click here to learn more about our quality standards and accreditations.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about how the ATS FoC supports battery testing and certification. To schedule testing per IEC 60896-21, call us or complete the request form on this page.

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