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Applied Technical Services offers nuclear NDT services to help design, system, and program engineers optimize inspections for their nuclear equipment. Our inspections address a wide variety of equipment, including raw water systems such as service water, cooling water, RHR service water, and emergency service water systems. ATS experts have the tools and knowledge necessary to perform all work with an outstanding level of quality.

We utilize a four-step Piping Condition Assessment cycle to provide inspection and failure analysis services for pipe, tank, and pressure vessel systems in the nuclear industry.

The Piping Condition Assessment Cycle

Strategic Inspection Planning

Equipment inspections are the last step in our nuclear programs. Our first objective is defining the client’s desired program outcomes and determining an effective plan that prioritizes their time and resources.

We use a probabilistic Degradation Model to help determine where the equipment is susceptible to program threats. The risk of failure is not uniform across an entire system; our models for corrosion and degradation rate and distribution allow us to pinpoint areas with greater risks and establish a more effective inspection plan.

Problem Mitigation

We can also set up efficient criteria for problem mitigation. ATS understands the wide variety of available problem mitigation options; we can help you easily design a decision tree to address continued operation, temporary or permanent repair, and replacement. Establishing precedents for mitigation before conducting inspections allows time for site organizations such as maintenance, welding, management, and operations to share their input.

Nondestructive Inspections

Our nuclear NDT inspection programs are results-based; we determine the most appropriate inspection to suit each client’s needs. We offer numerous inspection options, from guided wave testing to encoded phased array ultrasonic testing.

Fitness for Service Analysis

We can provide fitness for service (FFS) analyses for piping, vessels, and tanks according to several specifications, including:

  • Design Codes
    • ASME Sections III and VIII
    • ASME B31.7 and B31.1
    • AWWA
  • ASME Section XI
  • Code Cases N-513, N-597, N-806, and N-705
  • NRC Generic Letter 90-05
  • NRC Relief Request
  • API 579-1 / ASME-FFS-1

We also evaluate repair design for piping, tanks, and vessels according to:

  • Code Cases N-561, N-562, N-661, N-786, N-789, N-666
  • PCC-2

Experts in Nuclear Consulting

Applied Technical Services has performed high-quality testing, inspections, and consulting engineering services for over 50 years. We maintain a reputation of excellence by putting the client’s experience first. We connect customers directly to relevant experts who can help with their inquiries. Our experts deliver clear, detailed reporting as quickly as possible so clients can make informed decisions about their equipment.

ATS maintains several accreditations and quality standards:

  • ASME NQA-1
  • 10 CFR 50 – Appendix B
  • 10 CFR Part 21
  • ANSI/NCSL Z540-1
  • ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs
  • ISO 9001:2015-registered company

If you need nuclear NDT services, contact us today. We take a closer look!

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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