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Applied Technical Services provides diffraction analysis as one of the many services offered by our metallurgy laboratory. Diffraction, also known as x-ray diffraction, is commonly abbreviated as XRD. This process is a non-destructive testing method that analyzes the structure of crystalline products and materials. Our experts can identify the crystalline phase and cross-reference databases to reveal the chemical composition by studying the crystal structure. Diffraction analysis is a standard method of positive material identification (PMI). It is useful in evaluating minerals, corrosion products, and unknown materials.

How is Diffraction Analysis performed?

Diffraction analysis utilizes an x-ray beam directed at the sample material. The atoms within the sample’s crystal structure scatter the x-rays through a process known as elastic scattering. Our professionals can then evaluate the diffraction pattern, also known as the scatter, to determine the properties of the crystalline structure. ATS technicians utilize this NDT method to determine the phases present in solid and powder materials.

ATS’ Metallurgy Capabilities

The metallurgy laboratory at Applied Technical Services offers a litany of additional services such as failure analysis, litigation support, material identification, and hardness testing, to name a few. In addition to diffraction analysis, our metallurgical experts provide a wide array of material identification methods to best suit your needs. All metallurgic services performed are compliant with relevant standards and client specifications. For a comprehensive list of our metallurgy capabilities, click here.

Quality Assured

For more than half a century, Applied Technical Services has been a global leader in inspections, testing, and engineering consulting. Our team of metallurgists, chemists, and professional engineers work in tandem to provide the best possible service they can. Our ISO 9001:2015 accredited corporate management system compels our employees to supply our clients with the highest levels of customer service. At ATS, we promise reliable and accurate reporting with quick turn-around times. Contact us today to request a free quote or more information regarding your diffraction analysis needs! We Take a Closer Look!

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