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Day 1
The Roots of Failures:
Introduction to the differences between physical, human, and management system (latent) failure roots; the pervasive nature of human error; how failures always result from multiple causes.
Material Properties:
Discussion about the basic properties of common materials of construction used in industrial plants.
Failure Mechanisms and Fracture Identification:
The differences between overload and fatigue as failure mechanisms. Introduction to the concepts of stress concentrations and residual stresses, showing how these factors result in different fracture appearances.
Failure Mechanisms and Fracture Identification:
Examining failed components provided by ATS and students, we review and discuss each sample to determine the failure mechanism(s) and the forces involved.
Day 2
Fastener Failures:
A review of the importance of uniform tightening procedures and adequate clamping force, including a discussion of torque vs. tightness.
Introduce the 3 different lubrication regimes and discuss how different loads require different lubricant properties. Review the thermal effects on lubrication quality. Discussion of proper viscosity specifications, lubrication additives, and lubrication frequencies.
Roller Bearings:
Discuss how rolling element bearings work and how they fail. The action of Hertzian fatigue versus surface fatigue.
Hands-on Failure Analysis:
Review failed components provided by ATS and students, we examine and discuss each sample to determine the failure mechanism(s) and the forces involved.
Day 3
Discussion of materials of construction, the effect of loads and lubrication, and failure mode identification.
Corrosion Recognition:
Review of factors that affect corrosion, material loss, and cracking damage.
Power Transmission Elements:
Discussion of: V-Belts, Synchronous Belts, Chains and Coupling operation, and failure identification.
Centrifugal Pumps:
Discussion of pump curve versus system curves and the common causes of pump failure.
Hands-on Failure Analysis:
Observe failed components provided by ATS and students, examine and discuss each sample to determine the failure mechanism(s) and the forces involved.
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