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Lab technician calibrates a wind tunnel

Calibrations 2018 — A Year in Review

Calibrations enjoyed a fantastic 2018, managing to grow both the scope of their capabilities and annual revenue.

A star contributor to this growth has been our new wind tunnel; Marietta calibrations acquired the necessary equipment early last year to meet an increasing demand for the calibration of anemometers (instruments that measure wind speed).

Our new Eiffel-type unit is used to calibrate anemometers at any wind speed between 2.5 and 35 meters per second with greater accuracy than previously available. Thanks to the capabilities offered by our new wind tunnel, anemometer calibrations became an in-demand service over the course of 2018. Calibrations has generated enough business because of this uptick in demand that the department was able to expand in other ways.

ATS acquired Southern Calibration and Service (SCS) in November, hiring-on all staff. Their expertise in calibration services and reputation for providing excellent client support make them a valuable addition to the Marietta calibration team. ATS now serves the client base they cultivated from their previous location in Roswell, GA.