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AvTech Acquisition

ATS Acquires Aviation Technical Testing, LLC

Help Us Welcome the Newest Addition to the ATS Family!

Marietta, GA (September 3, 2019) — We are pleased to announce that ATS has acquired Aviation Technical Testing, LLC (AvTech) as a wholly owned subsidiary! The acquisition of AvTech expands ATS’ footprint in the Midwest region and opens new avenues for business. In addition, AvTech improves our ability to service our mutual customer base in the aviation market.

AvTech provides NDT inspections, training, and support for clients in private and commercial aviation. The company performs a variety of methods, including UT, RT, MT, PT, Eddy Current, Thermography, Phased Array, and Remote Visual Inspections. AvTech prides itself in its core values of safety and commitment to excellence in aviation NDT solutions and maintains FAA approval as a certified aircraft repair station under 14 CFR part 145 and NAS 410.

Since its founding in 2013, AvTech has operated from the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area and serves the aviation inspection needs of local, national, and international clients. AvTech’s President, Mike Fortman, has led the company since its inception and he and his team have grown their capabilities to include testing, inspections, consulting, and training services. Mr. Fortman brings an array of qualifications, such as an A&P License, ASNT Level III certifications in PT, MT, ET, and UT methods, and over 35 years of experience in the aviation industry.

AvTech will operate independently and continue to serve its clientele just as it has in the past and benefit from ATS’ backing and resources to support their growth and ability to service their customers. AvTech’s expertise and credentials complement ATS and both organizations will benefit from this union.

Learn more about AvTech on their website at