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Construction crane and circle with the ASM Handbook

Authors in Technical Books

ATS’ failure analysts and chemists are well-known technical experts in their fields.

In 2021, Nick Steinhoff and Burak Akyuz of the Metallurgy/Failure Analysis Group and Don McKay of the Chemistry Department became the authors in the new editions of the ASM’s Failure Analysis Handbooks, Vol.11 and 11A. ASM Handbooks are amongst the most prestigious references in the materials science field, globally. These new editions will serve as a “go-to” reference for failure analysts, engineers, and technical personnel who need to determine the root cause(s) of a failure in a machine or component, remediate the issue, and prevent future failures. Thousands of copies of these new volumes were sold shortly after the release and also available digitally.

Don McKay and Burak Akyuz co-authored the section “Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Metals in Failure Analysis” in Vol. 11. This article was also amongst the few articles selected to be published in the Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention in 2022.

Nick Steinhoff and Burak Akyuz co-authored the section “Failure Analysis of Cranes and Lifting Equipment” in Vol.11A. Burak Akyuz is also the section editor in Vol.11A. Tom Ackerson, P.E. is involved as a reviewer in both Volumes.

We continue to be the experts in our technical fields, and, therefore, serving our customers with their challenges.