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What is Dimensional Inspection?

Dimensional inspection, also referred to as dimensional metrology, evaluates the geometric shape of materials, parts, and products. The process produces 2D and 3D images of components that offer precise measures and important insight into an object’s geometric characteristics, such as:

  • Angles
  • Lengths
  • Height
  • Width
  • Surface characteristics

More About Our Dimensional Inspection Labs

Our dimensional inspection labs feature the cutting-edge technology needed to provide exceptional service and accuracy. Our employees understand the importance of precision and professionalism, so our equipment is well maintained, and our staff is engaged and informative when assisting clients. We have multiple high-accuracy CMMs, each with their unique capabilities that allow us to cater our services to the needs of our clients. Our dimensional inspection experts offer numerous services, including the following:

  • CAD model inspections
  • CMM programming assistance (PC-DMIS)
  • Cpk studies/process capability analysis
  • Dimensional layouts
  • First article inspection
  • Fixture calibration certifications
  • PPAP reports

Why are Dimensional Inspection Services Important?

Dimensional inspections are an important aspect of quality control and they’re especially important for industries that require precision manufacturing, such as:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Electronics

The technology embedded in dimensional inspection technology simplifies the data collection process, making it easier for manufacturers to observe details regarding their production processes. Our dimensional inspection services help our clients do the following:

  • Increase inspection speed
  • Improve part accuracy and quality
  • Reduce the costs associated with inefficient production processes
  • Superior traceability

About Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has spent the last several decades evolving its services and capabilities to ensure that we provide reliable services for our clients. We provide professional and prompt consulting engineering, testing, inspection, and calibration services that comply with strict regulatory requirements that help our clients gain and sustain access to wider markets. To ensure that our clients receive satisfaction from each of our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation labs, our experts provide the following:

  • Accurate data collection
  • Concise and clear data collection
  • Prompt service

Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a web request form for additional information regarding our precision inspection services and CMM capabilities.

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