Page for Posts: 47549
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Applied Technical Services is an accredited testing lab with the space, equipment and the manpower necessary to support a litigation related joint inspection. Whether you are a retailer in need of an analysis of a reported failure (what, how or why it happened?) or an attorney litigating a product liability case, our Fire and Forensics team of experts are ready to help.

The Forensics Investigators at ATS provide an objective and science-based analysis which can enhance the client’s ability to make informed decisions. From experience, we understand the importance of rendering an opinion (and reasons for them) that will withstand judicial scrutiny and is effectively communicated to the trier of fact.

Analyzing the Evidence

Since 1967 we have partnered with clients from many different areas such as aviation, automotive and consumer products and helped them with safety aspects, accident and litigation investigations, as well as many other issues. Applied Technical Services is the benchmark for any joint accident or incident investigation or inspection as we are the largest, independent lab in the Southeast. ATS also has the capabilities to store legal evidence as a secured evidence storage facility.

Our Team

Our experts are highly knowledgeable and experienced with current compliance regulations. Applied Technical Services labs are ISO 9001:2015 registered, NADCAP and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited, and our quality assurance program meets the most stringent industry requirements.

What to Expect

Applied Technical Services will include all necessary technicians to escort all members of the investigation from lab to lab, assist with the attainment of all necessary tools or supplies needed, as well as the assignment of separate conference rooms available with or without media technology for the different parties. A full day laboratory rental includes lunch catering for the litigation or investigation party to maximize time available for inspections.

Services Available

  • Evidence Storage
  • Vehicle Indoor/Outdoor Secured Storage
  • Outdoor Storage
  • Aircraft/Commercial Vehicles Indoor Storage
  • Half or Full Day Lab Rental
  • Coordinating Technician

Auxiliary On-Site Lab Services Available

Customer Service Representative, Ready to Help Direct You to the People Who can Help

We’re here to help.

Our 5 Major Segments






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