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ATS’ forensic structural engineers inspect structural damage and structural failure for the extent and cause of the damage. Forensic structural engineers can also investigate how to prevent similar damage in the future.

During an inspection, engineers look for sources of damage in the building design or from material failure, improper installation, or non-compliance with building codes during the construction process. Additionally, damage can occur after the completion of the structure due to natural disasters, lack of maintenance, or third-party involvement.

The engineer then identifies the damage as sudden or long-term, then as accidental, enhanced, or intentional. These classifications help determine if someone is liable for the damage. Moreover, our forensic structural engineers can provide testimony as expert witnesses in a trial, arbitration, mediation, or deposition.

Our Services

ATS’s forensic structural engineers specialize in inspecting building foundation and envelope damage, commercial and residential roofing damage, construction defects, storm damage, and water intrusion. Clients can request our services at any time, notably:

  • When damage is suspected
  • After damage is detected
  • After catastrophic failure
  • After collapse
  • After collapse

During their visit, the engineer will perform a visual/tactile inspection of the site and record places of concern. Depending on the type of damage, the engineer will use tools, such as infrared equipment for thermal imaging to detect moisture in the walls. Samples from the appliance and equipment evaluations may require shipment to a laboratory for further testing to determine if the issue arose from a design, manufacture, or installation defect.

This investigation forms the basis of a report that details the extent of the damage, potential sources, and the estimated repair costs and procedures. Sometimes, the damage is such that replacing the affected structure or component is preferable to repairing it.

Once the engineer discovers the source of the damage, we can perform one of our structural evaluation services:

ATS offers additional testing and repair services for mechanical and electrical damages that result from structural damage or failure.

Standards and Regulation

Additional services may require stricter regulation adherence. For instance, storm damage assessments will follow the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) wind load and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) base flood evaluation (BFE) requirements. Our premises liability evaluations determine if the structure complies with National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations.

About ATS

ATS is an engineering company that provides consulting engineering, calibrations, and testing services for various commercial and material industries. Since our founding in 1967, we have expanded our services and family of companies across the United States. Today, we support research and development with clients from all over the world.

ATS Experts

ATS knows that high-quality service requires knowledgeable and seasoned experts. All ATS forensic structural engineers must meet P.E. designation requirements, which typically include:

  • Completing a four-year degree (bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D.)
  • Holding at least four years of experience under a licensed P.E.
  • Passing comprehensive exams
  • Attaining license granted by a state engineering board
  • Strengthening their knowledge with continued training and education

Additionally, our experts may draw upon their resources in professional organizations like the National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE) or the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

ATS Quality and Certifications

We value our clients enough to provide a detailed and data-driven analysis in our inspections and tests. We hold several ISO/IEC 17025:2017(A2LA) accreditations and have been accredited in Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Materials Testing by NADCAP.

Contact Us

Call ATS at +1 (888) 287-5227 if you need a forensic structural engineer to inspect your location.

We’re here to help.

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