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Applied Technical Services conducts Piper wing spar inspections to ensure our clients’ Piper Aircraft maintain safety and industry standard compliance.

The Importance of Wing Spar Inspections

Wing spars are the aircraft components that connect the wings to the fuselage. As wings move during flight, a significant amount of force is applied to the fasteners, leading to the weakening and potential fracturing of a wing spar and wing spar components.

Airworthiness directives created by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Department of Transportation (DOT), such as AD 2020-26-16, have updated the requirements for inspections on Piper wing spar systems. Piper Aircraft must meet the standards set by these directives to maintain compliance and safety.

Airworthiness Directive 2020-26-16

As of February 16, 2021, the FAA and DOT require that several Piper Aircraft models adhere to new wing spar inspection standards. To see if your model is included in this directive or for other details, please see AD 2020-26-16. For a complete list of included Piper Aircraft models/serial numbers and all other details of AD 2020-26-16, please see the airworthiness directive here.

NDT Aviation at Applied Technical Services

We employ the industry’s premier nondestructive aviation testing experts to guarantee testing accuracy and reliability. Our technicians maintain NAS-410 certification and have experience performing nondestructive testing in various fields and disciplines.

ATS inspectors utilize high-frequency eddy current (HFEC) testing to identify even the smallest discontinuities in Piper wing spar inspections. The use of eddy current testing allows flaw detection on the surface and subsurface of aircraft components. ATS is certified to perform eddy current testing in compliance with several standards, including but not limited to:

  • ASTM: E243, E244, E376, E426, E703, E1004
  • ASME Section V Article 8
  • NVAIR 01-1A-16-2

Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services strives to maximize the value of our nondestructive aviation testing services while helping clients reduce costs. With over fifty years of experience, ATS brings the expertise and resources necessary to deliver the highest levels of service quality to our clientele across multiple industries. ATS is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by the A2LA. We are proud to be the preferred NDT services provider for several leading automotive, aerospace, military, and nuclear companies.

Contact us today to schedule your Piper Aircraft’s next wing spar inspection.

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