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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers ultrasonic leak testing services that locate leaks in industrial equipment and facilities.

What is an Ultrasonic Leak Test?

An ultrasonic leak test is a nondestructive way to locate the source of leaks within different types of vacuum and pressurized systems. Leaks often emit noise at a frequency that is inaudible to human ears, but ultrasound technology can pinpoint the source of the sound with ease. Technicians use this advanced technology to inspect industrial sites and equipment for potential leaks.

Our Ultrasonic Leak Testing Services

Our testing lab has advanced ultrasonic technology to locate leaks within industrial pressure and vacuum systems. We use state-of-the-art technology, ensuring our services are precise and effective in different environments. Our services apply to a wide range of equipment, including:

  • Bearings
  • Machine components
  • Piping systems
  • Vessels

Why is Ultrasonic Leak Testing Important?

Ultrasonic leak detection services are an effective way to safeguard equipment, preserving the efficiency of operations. Unaddressed leaks can become a financial burden that increases as an operation’s reliability declines. Our ability to help our clients identify leaks early on can help save them from the various complications that arise as leaks progress into potentially dangerous situations. Overall, ultrasonic leak tests help businesses do the following:

  • Reduce excessive energy consumption, therefore lower energy costs
  • Prevent leak-related dangers
  • Establish a preventative maintenance strategy

More About Our Predictive Maintenance Services

Our ultrasonic leak detection services are a component of our predictive maintenance program, which consists of multiple services and strategies that help our clients maintain their equipment’s functionality and reliability. In addition to ultrasonic leak detection services, we offer:

  • Gas leak surveys
  • Laser alignment
  • Motor circuit analysis
  • Vibration monitoring

Our predictive maintenance specialists use their experience in various applications and sciences to develop comprehensive strategies and plans that directly address the unique needs of our clients and their equipment. Please consider the ATS Family of Companies for your ultrasonic leak testing needs and get in touch with us by calling +1 (888) 287-5227 or submitting the web form located on this page.

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