This is index.
California Proposition 65 Update on 60-Day Notices of Violation California Proposition 65, also known as the “Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act”, was enacted in 1986 with the purpose […]
Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) adds PFAS and Phthalates In February 2021 the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) updated the list of regulated chemicals. TPCH has added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl […]
UAE RoHS Changes Effective January 2020 The UAE’s Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS), which regulates local and imported products marketed in the United Arab Emirates for safety and quality, has […]
PFAS Added To Prop 65 List In recent months ATS has received an increase in test requests for PFAS (PFOA/PFOS). There are heightened concerns regarding the safe limit of PFAS […]