Applied Technical Services provides nondestructive inspection (NDI) aircraft services. We perform NDI aircraft services to ensure individual aircraft parts and overall structural integrity are intact for air flight and passenger safety. Since in-service aircraft endure a high rate of fatigue loading, identifying and mitigating defects before a problem arises is critical. NDI methods can detect cracks, flaws, voids, corrosion, disbonds, delaminations, tears, and impact damage. Components, parts, and structures that are commonly inspected in aircraft include engine blades, landing gear, ailerons, fuselages, and wing spars.
We help clients maintain safe aircraft operation practices. ATSโ NDI technicians are highly experienced and qualified to examine aircraft components to applicable standards and specifications for civil, commercial, and military aviation.
Responsive NDT Consultants
Eddy Current (ET)
Eddy current testing can determine surface and subsurface defects, corrosion, surface inconsistencies, and bolt hole irregularities.
Liquid Penetrant (PT)
Our technicians use liquid penetrant testing to detect hairline cracks in-service fatigue cracks, and other surface connected damage in both non-ferrous and ferrous materials such as castings, forgings, and welded surfaces.
Magnetic Particle (MT)
Magnetic particle testing detects discontinuities at and just below the surface of ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and equivalent alloys.
Radiography Testing (RT)
Radiography testing allows technicians to reveal a variety of defects in various aircraft components. Radiography can be performed on components prior to installation or in-situ at the hangar.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Ultrasonic testing can determine internal and external flaws while inspecting the numerous parts of an aircraft structure.
Bond Testing
Bond testing inspects the integrity of carbon fiber and honeycomb composites, fiber glass, and metal-to-metal composites.
Borescope inspections can help technicians detect flaws caused by stress, fatigue, and corrosion located in aircraft engines or structures with limited access.
Optical Prism
Optical prism is used for aircraft windows and windshields for detecting cracks, chips, impacts, gouges, debonding, delaminations, scratches, scaling, and ply separation.
Applied Technical Services retains certification as an FAA Repair Station for performing inspections, as well as being approved by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) as a Part-145 maintenance organization. In addition, our NDT technicians are certified to NAS 410 standards as required by the Aerospace industry. ATS can manage long-term projects or deliver quick turnaround inspections, always customizing our services to our customersโ needs. Our capabilities and extensive experience allow us to provide accurate results and meet the strictest industry requirements in the aviation field. We can perform any job small or large in one of our labs or on-wing anywhere in the world. For more information, or to schedule NDI aircraft services, contact ATS today.