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Applied Technical Services performs DIN 75200 testing to determine the burning qualities of sample automotive interior materials. This testing helps manufacturers and parts suppliers stay compliant with the industry standards and government regulations that outline safe flammability characteristics. The requirements typically specify maximum burn rates, which allows more time for the occupants to evacuate the vehicle thus reducing injuries.

Data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) shows that the United States reported over 1.3 million fires in 2016, roughly 14% of which were vehicle fires. These highway incidents, which are often preceded by equipment failure or crash, led to hundreds of fatalities that year alone. Because of the potential dangers involved in operating a motor vehicle, the automotive industry is subject to a host of standards and regulations prescribing measures to maximize occupant safety. Among the variety of aspects overseen by bodies like the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the German Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) is the flammability of interior materials. Automotive companies send samples of their interior materials to flammability testing labs like ATS to quantify their burning characteristics and help determine their compliance with relevant safety standards.

DIN 75200 Testing: About the Method

The Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) is a standardization body and the German branch of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They administer one of the most internationally recognized standard testing specifications for determining the flammability of interior materials: DIN 75200. Also known as DIN EN ISO 75200 testing because of its ISO affiliation, this standard exposes specimens to an open flame and analyzes their burning rates according to various criteria. ATS’ environmental testing division is experienced at performing not only DIN 75200, but also an array of other flammability standards including UL 94, 16 CFR 1610, FMVSS 302, and EN71-2. Our lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by the A2LA to perform flammability testing to each of the above specifications.

About ATS

Applied Technical Services has offered testing, inspection, and engineering consulting capabilities of the highest quality since our founding in 1967. In the 50+ intervening years, we have expanded our client base to include companies in the local, regional, national, and international arenas. Although we regularly serve clients from a variety of industries — including consumer product and manufacturing — with our more generalized flammability testing services, our capabilities as an accredited DIN EN ISO 75200 testing lab work for the exclusive benefit of the automotive industry.

Our Commitment to Quality

To help ensure we provide the most positive customer experience possible, ATS’ Marietta Super Lab registered its quality management system with ISO 9001:2015. This achievement means that a third-party audit found our quality assurance practices to be compliant with and to have effectively implemented the internationally acknowledged standards outlining sound principles of quality assurance. We believe that delivering quality is an important aspect of our work as testing providers — so much so that we maintain this certification to both demonstrate our sincerity to our clientele and to uphold accountability for the services we provide. All our flammability testing services are performed in accordance with these stringent quality assurance practices.

We take certain measures to improve the customer experience and maximize the quality of our services. These include:

  • Returning clear, accurate, detailed reporting within a short turnaround window
  • Equipping customer service representatives to receive questions about the status and results of testing services and to facilitate contact with relevant testing experts
  • Ensuring technicians remain accessible to clients, responsive to their needs, and engaged in solving problems

If your company needs to determine the flammability characteristics of automotive interior materials, contact ATS for DIN 75200 testing today — We take a closer look.

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