Page for Posts: 47549
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ATS offers a complete range of automotive testing services from chemical analysis to mechanical testing and environmental simulations. We use Volvo SAE standards testing procedures to characterize various physical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of component parts and materials, and determine whether they are compliant with relevant standards. ATS performs the following methods to this end:

Reference SpecTest
STD423-0009Adhesion (Scrape)
STD423-0012Adhesion (Cross-Cut)
STD423-0015Adhesion (Water Spraying under high pressure)
STD 1026-8177Chemical Resistance (Surface Treatments)
STD 423-0018Moisture Resistance in Tropical Cabinet
STD 420-0001Evaluating Degrees of Blistering Paints
STD 1026-5172Determination of Color in Color-Matching Booth
STD 1024-7132Stone Chip Resistance
STD 5742-104SEM Analysis
STD 423-0010Corrosion Test
STD 423-0055Short Term Heat Resistance
STD 429-003Determination of Organic Emissions from Non-Metallic Materials in Vehicle Interiors
STD 1027, 2714Organic Emissions by GCMS
VCS 1027-2749Organic Emission
VCS 2739Formaldehyde Emission
VCS 2729Interior Odor Emission

Testing Specs

Volvo Specs

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