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What is a Taber Abrasion Test?

Taber abrasion tests measure how resistant an object is to wear over time. Small, flat specimens (maximum 100 mm square or radius, 6.35 mm thick) are mounted onto a platform that rotates around a vertical axis. Abrasion wheels, fixed on a horizontal axis, are weighted as appropriate (to control for pressure on the test subject) and lowered onto the specimen. These wheels are traded out depending on the needs of the test. Taber abrasion wheels vary by texture — some rough like sandpaper and some smooth like polished aluminum; the appropriate wheel is selected considering both the composition of the specimen and the conditions that material surfaces will be subjected to while in service.

Then the machine is powered on, and the platform begins to move. The turning of the platform causes the abrasion wheels to start spinning and rubbing the specimen. This resulting friction simulates the amount of wear that specimen would accumulate over the course of years in a live-usage scenario.

Each of the variables involved in the test — such as the test load used, the number of cycles (or rotations) and the speed of the platform — can be manipulated by the tester with buttons on a digital display. Technicians make sense of the results by either using comparative measurements or referencing wear rates to established requirements.

Common Measurements

Cycles to a Specific Point

  • Determines how many cycles were completed to reach a certain point
  • Can apply to multiple criteria
  • Results should be evaluated with a pre-determined standard so that they’re not completely subjective

Weight (Mass) Loss

  • Determines how much mass the specimen lost from the abrasion
  • Just weigh the specimen before and after the test
  • Make sure to clean off the particulate scrubbed off by the wheels before doing the final weigh-in

Taber Wear Index

  • Compares the mass a specimen lost relative to the amount of test cycles used
  • The lower the index, the more resistant the specimen is to wear
  • Volume Loss
  • Uses the Wear Index, but takes specimens’ individual gravities into consideration

Wear Cycles per Mil Thickness

  • Analyzes how many cycles are needed to wear through an adhesive coating with a known thickness
  • Functions like Cycles to a Specific Endpoint with a unique formula

Depth of Wear

  • Subjects specimen to a specified number of cycles, then notes the depth of the grooves left by the abrasion wheels
  • Needs specific equipment for the measuring

Residual Breaking Force

  • Measures either strength of fabric or amount of force needed to break a certain width of fabric
  • Average Breaking Strength
  • Uses residual breaking force to calculate the average breaking strength between abraded and unabraded specimens
  • Percentage Loss in Breaking Strength
  • Uses residual breaking force to calculate percentage loss in breaking strength

ATS and Taber Abrasion Testing

Although this information is helpful to businesses looking to maintain the quality of their products, acquiring and operating the specialized equipment used to perform these tests can be difficult. Thankfully, Applied Technical Services is not just well-versed in handling Taber abrasion tests, but ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited as well. Our equipment is calibrated to industry standards, and our technicians measure a test sample’s resistance to wear with an accuracy that our clients have come to rely upon.

For over 50 years, ATS has provided impeccable inspection and testing services to satisfied clients from a wide variety of industries. Consider letting us provide for your business’ testing needs — we offer superior services and a faster turn-around time to keep our clients’ businesses rolling.

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