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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) performs ISO 6892 tensile testing when evaluating the strength and weaknesses of metal materials. Our services are beneficial to companies looking to make more informed decisions regarding their product’s design and ability to excel in specific applications and situations.

What is ISO 6892?

The International Organization for Standardization developed ISO 6892 as a collection of standards outlining the process of conducting tensile tests on metal materials. The ISO 6892 standard measures the following tensile properties:

  • Tensile strength
  • Yield point elongation
  • Yield strength

The ISO 6892 standard consists of four parts, each detailing the conditions in which the test takes place.

  • ISO 6892 – 1: Room temperature testing
  • ISO 6892 – 2: Elevated temperature testing
  • ISO 6892 – 3: Low temperature testing
  • ISO 6892 – 4: Liquid helium testing

Our ISO 6892 Tensile Testing Services

Our tensile testing experts work diligently to deliver accurate and prompt results to our clients. We recognize that tensile tests are incredibly important to manufacturers evaluating their materials and products, so our labs comply with our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations, ensuring that we commit to providing world-class service. Upon completion of our ISO 6892 testing services, our clients can expect to have a more thorough understanding of their product’s potential.

Why is Tensile Testing Important?

Tensile testing serves as an important component of material selection, product development, and quality control. This data gathered from tensile testing is instrumental in determining a material’s suitability for a specific application. For example, a manufacturer may request our tensile testing services to ensure that a steel column can withstand the weight of the materials it supports. The verification of a product’s ability is essential to ensuring its effectiveness in different conditions and environments. Tensile tests are effective at doing the following:

  • Evaluating a material’s strength for material selection purposes
  • Identify product inconsistencies and weaknesses
  • Improving quality control strategies and practices

Our Commitment Quality

As an ISO 9001:2015-registered company, we are committed to fostering positive experiences for our clients. We work diligently to provide professional service, promptly without compromising quality. Our highly trained experts keep an open line of communication with our clients to ensure that their needs are addressed to their liking.

Please submit a web request or call 1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our ISO 6892 tensile testing services.

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