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What is MIL STD 202G?

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates electrical components and electronics in compliance with the MIL STD 202G standard. The MIL STD 202G standard determines an electronic deviceโ€™s ability to withstand high voltage outside of its normal operating range.

The Department of Defense (DoD) uses MIL STD 202G to determine the durability and reliability of electronics. The standard provides important insight into equipmentโ€™s ability to withstand the unforgiving conditions associated with military applications.

Our MIL STD 202G-Compliant Services

Our electrical testing experts understand the importance of MIL STD 202G-compliance as a failure to properly assess the capabilities of electrical equipment can cause serious damage to electrical equipment, potentially putting humans in harmโ€™s way.

Fortunately, we have the expertise and equipment needed to conduct comprehensive tests on military-grade electronics, ensuring their viability in otherwise comprising conditions. Upon completion of our services, our clients have a more in-depth understanding of their productโ€™s dielectric strength and potential weaknesses that may need to be addressed.

Why is MIL STD 202G Testing Important?

Certain military conditions and applications may require that electronic equipment operate at extremely high voltages that may otherwise compromise the performance of equipment. The MIL STD 202G is important because it allows manufacturers to verify that their equipment can continue functioning in high-voltage situations.

Upon completion of our testing procedures, we carefully examine the electronics to determine if the equipment withstood the applied voltage without showing signs of damage or insufficient insulation strength.

Applied Technical Services

The ATS Family of Companies performs an expansive list of services that help commercial and industrial businesses and improve their operations, products, and services. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited facilities feature the advanced technology needed to provide solutions to the ever-evolving needs of our clients. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered entity, we prioritize the experience of our customers, and our employees work diligently to deliver satisfactory service in a timely manner and for a competitive price.

Contact Us

Please complete and submit a service request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for more information regarding our MIL STD 202G-compliant services.

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