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Applied Technical Services performs FTIR chemical analysis. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is one of many material identification tests our chemistry labs offer. FTIR chemical analysis is a quick, effective method of identification and characterization for sample polymers and other organic compounds. This method examines the spectral characteristics of unknown compounds, comparing the sample’s infrared emissions to our extensive library of reference materials. FTIR analysis can identify polymer types such as acetals, polycarbonates, nylons, polypropylenes, polyesters, and polyethylene.. Applied Technical Services is ISO 17025 (A2LA) accredited to perform FTIR analysis according to ATSM method E1252.

How The Method Works

FTIR chemical analysis works bypassing an IR beam through a thin sample. The various functional groups in the sample absorb some of the infrared waves at certain wavelengths while allowing other wavelengths of energy to pass through. The absorbance or transmittance of energy at these various wavelengths can then be used to Identify the specific material. We can compare these results to those in our comprehensive library of known materials. Our computer-aided searches are highly accurate, with thousands of known material readings at our disposal.

FTIR Analysis Uses and Benefits

FTIR spectroscopy identifies and characterizes unknown materials, additives, and contaminants. This method can also assist the confirmation of production materials or identify decomposition, oxidation, and uncured monomers during failure analysis. FTIR analysis can also help with material quality verification and quality control.

Our FTIR Experts

Our team of knowledgeable scientists sets our services apart; our chemists have extensive FTIR analysis experience. They interpret the spectrographic results to correctly characterize the sample materials. Our experts utilize their FTIR analysis knowledge to assist clients with numerous testing applications, including failure analysis, purity assessments, material identification, cleanliness tests, contamination analysis, and other custom testing projects.

Our Services

ATS has provided testing and analysis services for more than 50 years. We serve clients around the globe, keeping customer service a priority. We connect clients with relevant experts who can help with their particular needs. We deliver clear, accurate, detailed reporting as quickly as possible. Clients may contact our experts at any time with additional questions and queries. If you need FTIR chemical analysis, contact ATS today.

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