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At Applied Technical Services, we offer Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) polymer testing in our chemistry labs. TGA is a testing technique used to determine the stability of the material and measure any difference in weight due to temperature changes. The weight changes in materials occur due to decomposition and oxidation reactions which cause physical changes such as sublimation, vaporization, and desorption in materials. TGA helps understand how the material will hold up after certain temperature conditions. TGA plays a significant role in designing materials to ensure that those materials don’t encounter unexpected errors.

TGA consists of a sample pan supported by a precision balance which is then heated or cooled during the experiment. This technique tells the stability of material while being weighted under extreme temperatures. TGA can also tell if a material has lost or gained weight. The results of a TGA come in graph form that shows percentage loss and how much mass will be lost. During the process, chemical reactions such as combustion occur, which involve mass loss or gain.

Our experts utilize the following TGA Polymer Testing instruments in our lab:

  • TGA 550
  • TA Instruments

About ATS

Applied Technical Services handles TGA polymer testing services through experts who are highly trained and fulfill every request professionally. Our chemists are experienced and work thoroughly to provide accurate and perfect data to our clients. We conform to a quality assurance program and execute our testing services under specific standards and specifications. We are committed to providing high-quality service during the examination of your materials. Contact us today to receive a free quote for TGA polymer testing. 

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