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TGA moisture analysis, also commonly referred to as thermogravimetric analysis or thermogravimetric moisture analysis, is a procedure that helps identify properties of a material, including the subject’s moisture, the amount of weight that is lost during thermal changes, and endothermic and exothermic properties. Due to the versatility of TGA analysis, it is a commonly preferred testing method for the analysis of several different types of materials, including but not limited to:

  • Composites
  • Rubbers
  • Polymers
  • Fillers
  • Laminates
  • Elastomers

How TGA Moisture Analysis Works

Applied Technical Services performs thermogravimetric analysis to provide our clients with a comprehensive understanding of how a product or material changes in mass when exposed to varying levels of temperature over different lengths of time. First, samples are heated at a specific temperature change rate to 1000°C in either nitrogen or air. All physical changes are then calculated and documented, identifying these changes as a result of changes in moisture, compounds, carbon black, polymer degradation, and ash content. Thermograms, such as the one seen below, are used to display properties and changes in the tested material, giving a precise temperature at which changes have occurred. TGA moisture analysis is a component of many different ISO and ASTM testing standards, including ISO 11358 and ASTM E1131.

Applied Technical Services

With over fifty years of experience, Applied Technical Services has the expertise and resources to ensure that our clients around the world receive the highest level of quality in both our testing services and customer service. Our certified chemists are thoroughly experienced and work diligently to maintain perfect accuracy in all procedures. ATS strives to maximize the value of our consumer product testing services, implementing innovative technologies to reduce client costs. We adhere to a strict quality assurance program and perform all testing services in adherence with popular standards and specifications. Contact us today to request a free quote for TGA moisture analysis services today.

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