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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers hipot cable testing services that ensure that electric systems perform as expected. Hipot tests are an essential part of the manufacturing process for electronics and theyโ€™re an excellent resource for detecting any potential defects within electronics.

What is Hipot Testing?

The dielectric withstand test, also known as the high potential (HIPOT) test, measures an applicationโ€™s voltage strength. Typically performed on cables, circuit boards, and similar electrical components, hipot tests provide insight into the insulating properties of electrical devices.

During hipot tests, technicians apply high voltage to equipment to add stress to the equipmentโ€™s insulation, allowing them to evaluate the insulationโ€™s weaknesses. This is important to identify and resolve any cracks and pinches within the wire that could cause electrical failure and safety hazards.

Our Hipot Testing Services

Our experts conduct hipot cable tests in our state-of-the-art electrical testing lab. We cater our services to our clientsโ€™ specific needs while also ensuring that our testing conditions and procedures comply with industry standards and federal and state requirements. Our hipot tests do the following:

  • Diagnose an electrical systemโ€™s cause of failure
  • Assess quality control issues
  • Confirm product designs

In addition to hipot test, we offer similar electrical testing services, such as:

Why is Hipot Testing Important?

Hipot tests are needed to confirm that electronic devices and equipment can handle surges that may be experienced during the equipmentโ€™s operation. Devices that are incapable of withstanding surges run the risk of experiencing failure and in some situations, they may become a fire risk. Hipot testing helps with the following:

  • Reduce the likelihood of shocks
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Preventing fire-starting electrical failures
  • Identifying issues with the insulation and manufacturing process

About Applied Technical Services

For nearly 60 years, Applied Technical Services has offered third-party services that help businesses improve their productsโ€™ quality and access to various markets. We have a large network of experts and facilities across the continental United States and our services are always expanding to ensure that we meet the growing demands of our clients. For more information, please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete a web request to learn more.

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