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ATS offers a wide range of special testing services that combine the capabilities and expertise of several departments. Experts from our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited mechanical, electrical, chemical, and nondestructive testing labs can perform standard and custom designed analysis that meets your needs.

Our Special Testing Services Include

Load Testing

Applied Technical Services has performed numerous load tests on a variety of items ranging from space shuttle parts to hand railings. We have cyclically loaded small component parts with a just a few grams and have loaded large lifting fixtures in excess of 500,000 lbs. We can perform load testing on your parts in-house or on-site using either customer supplied fixtures or fixtures designed by ATS specifically for your needs. Our engineers work closely with our clients to simulate actual loading requirements to achieve the most accurate test scenarios to simulate service conditions.

Helium Leak Testing

Applied Technical Services is equipped with the precise equipment necessary for performing helium leak testing. Our qualified and ASNT certified personnel are capable of performing leak tests on your critical application components.

Consumer Product Testing

Applied Technical Services has the resources and knowledge to perform your consumer product evaluations. We have conducted various performance tests on a wide range of consumer products; be it comparing vendors for certain quality features, materials of construction, or code compliance and safety evaluations.

Accelerated Life Cycle and Wear Fatigue Testing

Applied Technical Services has the resources to simulate real world wear and tear testing. Our Engineers have performed many Accelerated Life Cycle tests as well as fatigue testing on numerous parts. Our range of parts tested includes prototype parts for small business ventures to production components from large industrial and manufacturing corporations. We have replicated a lifetime of use in a matter of days or even hours. We can use the data obtained to consult on ways to improve the productโ€™s durability or make the product more cost competitive. We work closely with your team to make sure that this testing is an accurate representation of the actual and anticipated wear and tear that your product may endure when placed in service.

Pressure Testing

Applied Technical Services has the capability to perform pressure testing both in-house and in the field. Our pressure capabilities range from high vacuum to 40,000 psig. We are able to test a large variety of items, whether it be qualification testing of nuclear components, proof testing your process piping system, or anything in between.

Our Commitment to Quality

Our lab maintains several mechanical testing certifications in the interest of ensuring the quality of our services. To illustrate, we hold a variety of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accreditations to perform special testing methods to their relevant standards.

Furthermore, all of the ATS Marietta SuperLab operates under an ISO 9001:2015 registered quality management system โ€” meaning that a third-party auditor affirms that we abide by a quality assurance program congruent with the principles outlined by the internationally recognized standard on good quality management practices. ATS strives to continually improve the quality of our testing, inspection, and engineering consulting services by following these precepts. We take these steps to ensure a positive customer experience, complete with clear and accurate reporting authored by a technical staff who is accessible and responsive, delivered within a shorter turnaround window than most of our competitors.

If your company needs an unconventional or completely unique type of analysis, contact ATS about our special testing services โ€” we take a closer look!

We’re here to help.

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