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At Applied Technical Services we take steps to guarantee the quality of our work. In order to assure customers of the efficacy of their services, our materials testing division maintains several mechanical testing certifications relevant to the methods that they perform most often. We hold ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accreditations on a variety of tests performed to their internationally recognized standards, including the following:

Our Mechanical Testing Certifications:

Tensile Testing (Room and Elevated Temperature)ASTM E8, A370, B557; EN 895; EN ISO 4136; ISO 6892
Brinell HardnessASTM E10, A370; ISO 6506–1
Rockwell Hardness (15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T, 45T, A, B, C)ASTM E18, A370
Microhardness (Knoop, Vickers)ASTM E384, E92; EN 1043–2; ISO 6507–2; EN ISO 9015–2
Leeb HardnessASTM A956
Notched Bar (Charpy) ImpactASTM E23, A370; EN 10045–1; ISO 148–1; EN ISO 9016
Bend TestingASTM E290, A370; EN 910; EN ISO 5173
Grain SizeASTM E112
Coating WeightASTM A90, B137
Fastener TestingASTM F606/F606M; SAE J429
Small Parts Testing (Toys, Pacifiers, Rattles)ASTM F963; 16 CFR 1500, 1501, 1510, 1511
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