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Sprinkler system in ceiling

NFPA 25 Updates in the 2023 Edition

NFPA 25 Updates in the 2023 Edition

NFPA 25, a standard for the testing, inspection, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems, is introducing key revisions for its 2023 edition. One key change is the standard’s ability to address all maintenance, inspection, and testing requirements for foam and water-based fire protection systems, including foam-water sprinkler systems.

Testing frequencies for dry sprinkler heads and fast-response elements—not including control mode special application or early suppression fast response sprinklers—are also under review. As data becomes available regarding these systems’ performance capabilities, the inspection frequency may be extended by an additional five years after installation.


Antifreeze systems, with limited exceptions, will need to be refilled using listed antifreeze solutions if their current solutions do not meet NFPA 25 criteria. This is due to concerns over antifreeze’s flammability in high concentrations. NFPA 25 will also include new testing and maintenance requirements for nitrogen supplies in order to remain consistent with updates in the 2022 edition of NFPA 13.

One proposed revision to NFPA 25 would require that inspectors remove concealed cover plates in sprinkler systems every five years, checking for hidden problems such as leaks, improper cover plate installation, or damaged sprinkler heads. This proposal was rejected at the 2022 NFPA technical meeting in June. The complete list of results from the June meeting can be found here.

Contact Us

If you need a provider for fire water storage tank evaluations to current NFPA standards, contact ATS. Our experts offer testing, inspections, and recommendations for maintenance work for tanks and related components. We conduct both in- and out-of-service inspections according to our clients’ needs.

Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.