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C&W Meter Service Acquisition

C&W Meter Service Joins the ATS Family

Liquid measurement calibration specialists keeping industry flowing

Marietta, GA. (September 29, 2022) — Applied Technical Services is proud to announce that C&W Meter Service, LLC has joined the Family of Companies as part of our calibration business unit. This group specializes in liquid flow measurement calibration for several industries’ mission-critical applications. They bring nearly 40 years of field experience in liquid petroleum meter proving, as well as new technologies and fields of expertise, to the ATS Family of Companies.

President, Mike Scott, General Manager, Will Scott, and all 34 team members will remain with the company, which will continue to work alongside their pipeline, refinery, marketing terminal, airport refueling, and power/utility clients with no interruption to service. While day-to-day operations will not change, C&W Meter Service’s access to resources through this new partnership will expand its capabilities and service area. Meanwhile, the ATS Family of Companies will benefit greatly from the company’s body of knowledge and its presence in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and South Carolina.

Please join us in welcoming C&W Meter Service to the Family of Companies!

You can learn more about C&W Meter Service on their website, follow the company’s latest updates through their LinkedIn and Facebook, and watch this video about their unique calibration offerings.