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ATS can help you obtain dependable data with chart recorder calibration each time. 

Applied Technical Services offers ISO 9001:2015 compliant chart recorder calibration services both in-house and onsite to ensure you get dependable readings from your recorders every time. ATS knows how vital the accuracy of chart recorder system is to the quality assurance of many industries. Our metrology professionals assist clients in maintaining the most stringent standards through high precision calibrations traceable to NIST.

Quick Turnaround, Clear Data, Accredited Services

Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory provides clear data over your instrumentโ€™s operating range, tolerance, and any test point deviations. We perform tests in adherence to tolerances established by either the client, manufacturer, or other applicable GIDEP Metrology Data Exchange Program CD. If these criteria cannot be met, as found data will be provided. Standard turnaround for calibration services is between 5 and 7 business days, however, expedited service is also available upon request.

An accurately calibrated instrument is crucial in complying with the requirements of regulatory groups like the FDA. Without properly functioning chart recorder systems, maintaining consistency in product quality is not possible. Environmental conditions may also affect the functionality of your instruments. Exposure to dust or dirt, vibrations, shocks, as well as any other external forces affecting chart recorders during storage or application increases the need for routine calibration. In the event of an audit, you should feel confident in the accuracy of your instruments and the overall quality of your product.

ATS provides you with the peace of mind of knowing your instrument performance adheres to the requirements of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) or GLP (Good Laboratory Practices). No matter what the application may be, ATS is your one-stop shop for delivering metrology expertise and ensuring that you obtain the highest accuracy chart recorder readings to meet your needs. For more information or to get a quote for our chart recorder calibrations, contact ATS and have one of our team members take care of your calibration needs.

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