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At Applied Technical Services (ATS), our specialized labs are equipped with modern technology and qualified staff, enabling us to perform colorimeter calibration services on your device. We will calibrate your instrument by conducting a series of tests which are performed through a comprehensive process involving distilled water, solution dilution, wavelength synchronization, and finalized with detailed reports.

Colorimeters Calibrated by ATS:

  • Hach
  • Hanna Instruments
  • LaMotte
  • SpectraCal

The Importance of Colorimeter Calibration

While colorimetry is the main use of a colorimeter, determining a substance’s absorbance is not the instrument’s only job. Colorimeters serve unique purposes in different industries. More specifically, colorimeters are used to test water quality — screening for chlorine, fluoride, cyanide, and other potentially harmful chemicals. Additionally, colorimeters aid in determining the concentration of enriched plant nutrients in the soil, hemoglobin in blood, and identifying low-quality and imitation drugs. Due to the colorimeters versatile and quite critical application, it is important that your instrument remains efficient, precise, and reliable. The best way to achieve this state of performance is ensuring that your colorimeter is calibrated regularly. 

Our Focus on Customer Service

Serving clients locally, nationally, and globally, ATS has gained a reputation of setting high standards and for providing work of unparalleled distinction to our clients. It is a part of our mission to provide our clients with the highest quality service, focusing on accuracy, reliability, convenience, and flexibility — just a few of the many characteristics that we, at ATS, embody. Our calibration services are always quick with a standard turnaround time of 5-7 days. Concise data and detailed reporting of the status of your colorimetric device is guaranteed.

ATS Quality Assurance

All the services that we provide comply with all applicable standard quality requirements — ISO 9001:2015-2015, 10CFR50 Appendix B, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, and 10 CFR Part 21.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

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