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Electrical meter conductivity values are only as reliable as the measurement device’s most recent calibration. The accuracy of these values is indispensable to the quality and safety of industries such as aerospace, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, HVAC, chemical manufacturing, substrate analysis, and water utilities. ATS provides high precision conductivity meter calibration services for portable, handheld, and benchtop devices at our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratories.

ATS preforms conductivity meter calibrations for both liquid and solid meters as well as conductivity and pH meter combo units. Our meters and reference solutions are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), allowing us to provide you with precise measurements over the full range of your device or to specific tolerances or test points of your choosing. We include both As Found and As Left data on all calibrations, as well as verification that all readings fall within the tolerance listed.

Are Your Conductivity Meters Calibrated to the Highest Degree of Precision?

ATS technicians undergo rigorous training over the exact techniques and procedures of calibration methods. They are regularly evaluated on their familiarity with the methods, understanding of the equipment, and technical competency with the equipment. We do this as part of our mission to continuously pursue the highest quality standards. Our metrology laboratories provide services of unmatched value. This is made possible through our stringent Quality Assurance System, which adheres to the following requirements:

  • ISO/IEC 17025
  • ANSI/NCSL Z540-1
  • 10CFR Part 21
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • 10CFR50 Appendix B

Proper maintenance of your measurement equipment is critical to achieving consistently reliable results. It can help maximize the quality of your work and help avoid excessive downtime or costly repairs. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality calibrations to help support the success of your business. Electronic copies of calibration certificates are made available to you conveniently through iPortal, our online records system, along with asset tracking information and calibration due dates.

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