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Our Infrared Calibration Services

IR thermometers are becoming more common for on-site temperature measurement. The proper documentation of temperature during field-testing is crucial. With our NIST traceable black body source, we can provide calibrations for all your IR equipment. Fluke, Extech, Raytek are just a few of the many different types of IR thermometers we have the capability of calibrating.

With our ISO 17025 & ANSI Z540 compliant black body temperature sources, ATS satisfies a vast range of calibrated temperature needs. Our capabilities include calibration from -40°C to 500°C or -40° to 900°F.

All IR thermometer calibrations include:

  • As Found/As Left Data
  • NIST Traceable standards
  • Quality Approved procedure
  • Statement of quality and uncertainty calculation

About ATS

At ATS, we provide excellent customer service by offering accurate analysis performed in technically advanced labs at an economical price. In addition to friendly service and quick turnarounds, ATS is committed to quality assurance by holding multiple accreditations and certifications including ISO 9001:2015.

If you are looking for a calibrations provider contact Applied Technical Services for accurate and timely services.

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