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ATS performs thermal calibration services for clients who need to ensure that their sensitive equipment yields only the most accurate measurements. We provide accredited calibrations on various types of temperature devices including glass thermometers, thermocouple thermometers, RTD thermometers, temperature recorders, dial thermometers, surface thermometers and digital thermometers.

Our Commitment to Quality

All calibrations performed include As Found and As Left Data and are traceable to NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and are performed in accordance with documented and controlled procedures. Our Quality Assurance system complies with the applicable requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 9001:2015, 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR Part 21, and ISO/IEC 17025. Upon request, we can provide calibrations that are accredited to A2LA. You can also be set up on our web based interface, iPortal, which gives you access to electronic copies of your calibration certificates, current asset status, asset history and due date reports for your equipment.

Our Calibrations Capabilities

ATS provides complete calibration services for all of your thermometry needs. From ITS-90 Fixed point cells to bench top thermometer displays to hand-held devices, we can offer the best calibration solution for the strictest requirements. Our calibration services range from bench top thermometry systems, dial thermometers, glass thermometers, platinum resistance thermometers (PRT’s), Thermocouples, & more.

  • Glass Thermometers
  • Thermocouple Thermometers
  • RTD Thermometers
  • Dial Thermometers
  • Surface Thermometers
  • Digital Thermometers
  • Chart Recorders
  • Data Loggers
  • Probes & Sensors
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