Page for Posts: 47549
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Applied Technical Services has established a reputation for being an industry leader in thermocouple calibrator and thermocouple calibration. Our world class calibration experts confirm your instrument’s accuracy in testing temperature recording equipment including: transmitters, controllers, thermometers, alarms, indicators, and probes.

ATS provides full service calibration services to support the consistent performance of your precision temperature measuring equipment. We calibrate the following:

  • Infrared (IR) with Thermocouple
  • Thermocouple Calibrators
  • Thermocouple Probes
  • Thermocouple Thermometer (Display Only)
  • Thermocouple Thermometer with detachable probe

Flexibility To Meet Your Needs

ATS experts understand exactly how critical thermocouples and thermocouple calibrators are to your work and quality processes. That’s why our metrology team wants to help you achieve maximum levels of accuracy when utilizing or calibrating thermocouples. We can accommodate calibrations to your application or to OEM specifications.

We offer our expertise at our metrology laboratories but are also capable of conducting calibrations on-site at your facility to minimize downtime. We maintain a quick standard turnaround time of 5-7 days on all calibration orders, however, we also offer expedited calibrations to meet your deadlines.

You can also be set up on our asset management system, iPortal, which provides you with updates on the status of your equipment, due dates for future calibrations, and electronic copies of calibration certificates.

Dedicated To Providing The Highest Quality Services

Thermocouples are utilized in a broad array of scientific and industrial applications including manufacturing, process controls, quality management, HVAC, agriculture, etc. No matter the application, these devices must be calibrated regularly to produce interpretable measurements. ATS has received accuracy ratings over our metrology laboratories, our technicians, and our processes that meet the most stringent quality standard requirements including:

  • ISO/IEC 17025 accredited metrology laboratory with an EXPANSIVE SCOPE of accreditation
  • ISO 9001:2015-2008 compliant calibrations traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 accredited by the A2LA
  • 10CFR Part 21, and 10CFR50 Appendix B
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