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Applied Technical Services offers API 579 Fitness for Service assessment services for valuable client assets. We conduct FFS assessments in compliance with applicable standards such as:

  • API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: Fitness for service assessments
  • API 510: repair, maintenance, alteration, and inspection for Pressure vessel
  • API 570: alteration, inspection, repair, and maintenance for Piping systems
  • API 653: Tank inspection, reconstruction, alteration, repair, and maintenance
  • ASME B31.1: Power piping fabrication, inspection, testing, and examination
  • ASME B31.3: Process piping fabrication, inspection, testing, and examination
  • ASME B31.4: Pipeline transportation system fabrication, inspection, testing, and examination
  • ASME B31.8: Gas transmission pipeline system fabrication, inspection, testing, and examination

Our Qualified Personnel

ATS technicians are highly qualified and certified to perform API 579 FFS assessments and expert counsel for any questions our clients may have. Our qualified team of inspectors and professional engineers can provide solution-based, cost-effective advice on their potential problems. Utilizing API 579, our team can give clients the necessary information they need to allocate resources or plan shutdowns for required maintenance.  

Fitness for Service

Fitness For Service or FFS assessments can assist in determining the continued operation of an asset. FFS assessments can identify pitting patterns, sources of corrosion, and cracking morphology. Additionally, our technicians evaluate for mechanical damage to determine whether components such as pressure vessels, tanks, and pipes are suitable for operation. By understanding the structural limits of materials and components, we can determine potential issues before they become larger. Fitness for Service evaluations can maximize inspection value, minimize unscheduled downtown, and isolate necessary repairs.

Additional Mechanical Integrity Programs

In addition to API 579 Fitness for Service assessments, ATS provides a wide range of mechanical integrity programs. Our team of qualified engineers and technicians can conduct the following integrity analysis methods:

  • Finite element analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Corrosion evaluation
  • Stress analysis
  • Visual inspection
  • Data analysis
  • Nondestructive testing

Quality Assured

Applied Technical Services has maintained a high level of customer service for more than 50 years. We strive to exceed customer expectations by providing rapid turn-around times and meticulous reporting. Contact us today to receive a free quote for your API 579 fitness for service assessment. We take a closer look.

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