Page for Posts: 47549
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ATS specializes in aircraft engine inspections, ensuring no flaw or threat goes undetected. We have been leaders in the Aviation NDT Industry since 1975 when we obtained our repair station certificate from the FAA. Our nondestructive testing experts commonly identify flaws such as cracks caused by mechanical fatigue, thermal cycling, unintended overheating and vibrations.

Engine Part Inspections

  • Core
  • Fan Blades
  • Bleed Air Ducting
  • Turbine Cases

Typically, most aircraft components are inspected at regular intervals representing certain number of flight hours to ensure that cracks or flaws are detected before they reach a critical size, and the affected parts are either repaired or replaced before catastrophic failure. Although different types of aircraft will have varying requirements for inspections, FAA sets preventative and minor maintenance schedules in addition to the mandatory annual aircraft engine inspections. Besides the regularly scheduled inspections, FAA also publishes “AD Notes” (Airworthiness Directives) to alert owners of aircraft and provide them information about unsafe conditions.

NDT Inspection Methods

If you need an aircraft engine inspection, contact Applied Technical Services today. We take a closer look.

We’re here to help.

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